Friday, 29 May 2009

The Happy Dance

We've been working really hard on all our videos in Goshdarn Series 2, and so it's only natural that we take one of our videos to the next level. So, we've decided to choreograph a dance for our final video, to be released on the 25th of June.

Although it's far from finished, we're working very hard constantly to make this dance awesome. We're certainly not professional dancers, but we're trying very hard. And so here is a sneaky peak of what we've done so far...

So, hopefully that's enough to wet your appetite! This video will be coming on the 25th of June, so we can't wait until then ... mainly because it's my birthday, but...


Thursday, 28 May 2009

Tom's Real Father

So, it's that day again - Thursday! And time for another HD Goshdarn video!

If you're watching this on Thursday, then the quality may not be so good - that's because YouTube takes a while to process videos and read the HD and high quality specs. But it should be working soon!

As you may also have noticed, we don't normally release videos to YouTube on Thursdays. Why now, you say? Because, well, most of our viewers subscribe to us on YouTube, and so we feel that it's only fair to make sure that they get to see our videos first. And with YouTube's new(ish) HD allowance, you can see it ASAP in HD! Awesome!


Wednesday, 27 May 2009

Dimension Problems

Unfortunately our first video of Series 2 wasn't our best. Well, some viewers have said that it WAS our best, but if only the dimensions were a little better. We unfortunately had problems with both sites that we use to host our videos - YouTube and Vimeo.

Problems with YouTube were many. The video was absolutely tiny, and the quality was poor. And there wasn't a HD option, despite the video being in HD.

Vimeo problems weren't as prominent, but were noticeable nonetheless. Again, the dimensions were all off - the whole video made us look fat(ter than usual). I mean, I personally could stand to gain a little weight, but Sam is perfectly proportionate.

However, after a harcore lack of sleep last night, I can safely say that these problems have been eliminated. I have discovered the correct dimensions whilst being able to maintain the video's HDness.

The next video of Goshdarn Series 2 will appear here in standard definition, and on Vimeo in its full HD glory. We hope you enjoy it, as we're staying up all night tonight filming the rest of Series 2 and editing until out mouse-clicking fingers fall right off.

Thanks for everybody's ongoing support with the many problems that combine to form Goshdarn!


Saturday, 23 May 2009

Breaking News

Breaking News! Goshdarn are dead!

Oh, I'm kidding, relax! Breaking News is just the name of the first video in Goshdarn Series 2, which you can finally watch right here, right now!

Unfortunately, because our other favourite video site Vimeo is playing up with our formatting, the video isn't available in HD quite yet, but fear not, Goshdarn fans! We're working on the problem and soon all will be well. We'll post the video here in HD as soon as we can.

Until then, enjoy the horrible quality of YouTube. Sorry Google.


Thursday, 21 May 2009

Insert Series 2 HERE!

As much as I love Vimeo, sometimes it can be a little bit awkward. After all, this is now the third time I've tried to upload the first video of Series 2.

What sucks more is that because of my computer's rubbishly low amount of RAM, when I'm uploading a video, it stops me from doing anything else. I'll have to make do with literature.

Maybe after I check Facebook. And Twitter...

Sorry, but it looks like this video may be a little later than expected. Hopefully not too much, though! It should be on by the end of tonight, providing Vimeo sorts itself out. Shudder...


Tuesday, 19 May 2009

48 Hours!

It's that time again! The countdown until Series 2 begins NOW!

Well, in reality, it's been going on since the end of Series 1, but hey, why not rekindle the countdown?

This Thursday, the madness begins all over again, and Goshdarn Series 2 hits the website and Vimeo, with our first HD video, Breaking News. Then, on Saturday, all you people too uncool to visit either Vimeo or will be able to catch it on YouTube.

Please keep the support coming, keep watching and keep commenting on all our videos, and most of all, keep loving us!

We love you, and hope you enjoy Goshdarn Series 2 this Thursday!


Monday, 11 May 2009

New Videos!

So, after waiting 6 hours for a video to finish rendering last night, I can safely say that Goshdarn are half way through filming Series 2! Woohoo!

I know we should be further through, considering Series 2 begins in only 10 days, but we've both been so busy with revision for Sam's GCSE's and my A Levels. So don't judge us!

We really have got some hilarious stuff in store for you, and of course, it's all in HD!

Just a quick thank you to our good friend Keith Cooper for all his awesome ideas, three of which we have/are using.

So, we hope you're looking forward to Series 2!
