Monday, 11 May 2009

New Videos!

So, after waiting 6 hours for a video to finish rendering last night, I can safely say that Goshdarn are half way through filming Series 2! Woohoo!

I know we should be further through, considering Series 2 begins in only 10 days, but we've both been so busy with revision for Sam's GCSE's and my A Levels. So don't judge us!

We really have got some hilarious stuff in store for you, and of course, it's all in HD!

Just a quick thank you to our good friend Keith Cooper for all his awesome ideas, three of which we have/are using.

So, we hope you're looking forward to Series 2!



Fernando said...

Hey guys, I am happy to hear this!
I was joking, don't feel pressured. Your first priority is school. If this takes longer than anticipated, the date may need extended. So take your time. :)
I also have a suggestion, but not sure if you’ll like it.

Goshdarn said...

Do share!

Cooperweb said...

I feel as if I have somehow gotten a promotion of some sort. lol. I anticipate the outcome. I am guessing LBP are also knee deep in revision as I've yet to shake a response from them. Of course in America revision is a little bit different than there. Over here to revise simply means bringing a glock to school and shooting up your classmates ... but .. good luck with yours anyway. :)