I'm going to try and cram as much as possible into this small space of blog...
Well, first things first - the bad news... My hard drive has busted. That means I've lost everything; videos, pictures, and most importantly, my Drama Portfolio, due tomorrow. Fun! But don't worry about the videos, because Sam (I think) has most of them on his PC too, and I have all of them up to 'A Freakin' Year!' backed up. And even then, all of them are on YouTube, so I'm sure I can find a way to hack and download them back to myself.
Now, the gooooood news! Yesterday, we filmed the first Goshdarn video of 2009, and it's going to be brilliant! Here's a quick snapshot of the hilarity than went on yesterday...
Although that has nothing to do with the video, we couldn't resist having a picure of Sam (our camera-type-guy) wearing a TV outfit. That's what he's supposed to be. The costume was made for a Goshdarn video that is yet to be filmed, but that's the first time anybody from the public has seen it, so yeah...
Anyway, I'm getting sidetracked. The big news is that we're not putting up any new videos until around March. The reason for this is that after that time, we're going to be doing a video every week for 6 weeks, then taking a 6 week break, and so on. That way, it gives us time to film really cool videos, and you'll know exactly when to expect a new one!
We're planning on allocating a day for our new videos, but at the moment, the plan is to release them on the website the day before they go on YouTube, but we're not sure if that'll work just yet.
So that's it. Six videos are coming your way around March, and expect them to be AWESOME!