And just now, I logged on to to check our emails, and I was surprised and most pleased to stumble across an email from a lovely 'artsy-fartsy' (as he put it) fan of our videos, with an amazing history. After saying what he initially wanted to say (which I shall not divulge until later, providing everything works...) he attached this little piece of artwork...

How cool is that?! Very, is the answer to that question/demand/statement. I just wanted to boast about it a little bit. Thanks to Keith for this magnificent spectical!
: >
I'm really happy for you, you deserve it. I think you deserve more fan mail than could fit in the hold of a transatlantic jet… and, continuing with the space analogies, you deserve a horde of followers, not only to fit in a room... they should extend further than Hyde Park...
Coincidentally I was just preparing a translation ─or rather, a synthesis/adaptation─ that I will be sending soon to your box, revealing some of my secrets too. So, great!
I adore you guys!
i love england!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great videos, guys. Keep it up!
Looks great. :)
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