Sunday, 11 January 2009


I'm going to try and cram as much as possible into this small space of blog...

Well, first things first - the bad news... My hard drive has busted. That means I've lost everything; videos, pictures, and most importantly, my Drama Portfolio, due tomorrow. Fun! But don't worry about the videos, because Sam (I think) has most of them on his PC too, and I have all of them up to 'A Freakin' Year!' backed up. And even then, all of them are on YouTube, so I'm sure I can find a way to hack and download them back to myself.

Now, the gooooood news! Yesterday, we filmed the first Goshdarn video of 2009, and it's going to be brilliant! Here's a quick snapshot of the hilarity than went on yesterday...

Although that has nothing to do with the video, we couldn't resist having a picure of Sam (our camera-type-guy) wearing a TV outfit. That's what he's supposed to be. The costume was made for a Goshdarn video that is yet to be filmed, but that's the first time anybody from the public has seen it, so yeah...
Anyway, I'm getting sidetracked. The big news is that we're not putting up any new videos until around March. The reason for this is that after that time, we're going to be doing a video every week for 6 weeks, then taking a 6 week break, and so on. That way, it gives us time to film really cool videos, and you'll know exactly when to expect a new one!
We're planning on allocating a day for our new videos, but at the moment, the plan is to release them on the website the day before they go on YouTube, but we're not sure if that'll work just yet.
So that's it. Six videos are coming your way around March, and expect them to be AWESOME!


Fernando said...

Allocate a time for each broadcast… Planning work… Organize to achieve better results…
Goshdarn Corp. will provide increasingly professional services to his customers. This is an excellent bulletin! The Logistics Manager has taken a smart decision: organization is the foundation of high-quality works. I am sure you'll be more creative or -as you say- 'cool'. You seem very enthusiastic; which makes me happy!
Don't worry about anything; be happy and enjoy your work. If you are happy doing this, your videos will have more dedication. Consequently, you'll have more fans. Do it for the pleasure of creation (for yourselves). Don't be fooled by the degree of acceptance.
I consider this is a great way of expression, besides being a fun option. Don't imagine art as something unattainable. What you do is art. Art is simply the invention of a code -different to everyday code- to express the same things that we say in daily life. In this difference lies his greatness. Not in what, in how say things.
Moreover, humour reflects the moral education of people. This means: his values. You have a 'class of hilarity' analogous to a very open-minded, tolerant and noble.
There is a hidden ethics in your vids; Immigration is an obvious model. I love this video (guess you know why). You've taken a critical position regarding the stereotype of xenophobic British citizen (patriot, conservative). The reaction that causes in the watcher is: angry with the Englishman, tenderness with the Frenchman. With this video, you're trying to illustrate how some foreigners are treated in your country. It’s an awareness; carries a message: Why mentality of many men is so obtuse, so retrograde? Why discriminate foreign these people? Because he doesn’t know the language, because his dress, because his moustache... or because native superiority in front otherness. I don't need to tell you this, but I want you to know that I like these kind of videos.
Finally, I want to reply your question on Facebook. It's difficult to choose favourites, but among my select group to win the Academy Awards are: Save a dying species (Goshdarn masterpiece); The moovy (a film that -according trailer- combines all the genres: classic comedy, drama, action, war and even… gay sex; so that no viewer is left out); Goshdarn... and Jacob (That boy must do overtime in a circus... more emotion!); The Girlfriend (a dispute of two teenagers to win the sweet heart of Amy); Gr4m3r (a psychologist guy a little bit… unorthodox); The glass of water (another masterpiece).
In musical category: The Brocolli song (song of praise to broccoli) and The Slim song (The obese society "abstemious to Ferrero Rocher" has sent a report to the Parliament to remove that video on Internet for psychological damage. Yes, envy the metabolism of this child. How you can't stop eating candy and not a single gram fat? What a world so unfair!)
Oops! I extended again with my presidential speech. Excuse me; I need to go to the toilet.


Anonymous said...


Also, Fernando has too much time on his hands. O.o

Anonymous said...

Tolerance???? Look stupid argie! You are so full of sh*t. Argentineans are very racist. Argentina at one time had blacks and native tribes and guess what? the argentine government operated a program to exterminate them. Go to Argentina and you won't find one black person. The natives are almost extinct. Here in the USA at least we are open enough to choose OBAMA as our democrate candidate for president. You'll never see the same thing happen in Argentina because your government killed all the blacks. British love to kick your stupi argies as*es! You surrendered at the Falkland Islands like rats!

Fernando said...

Tom, Sam, I take the blame. I think I've taken a wrong way to being sociable. I never knew there were restrictions to express feelings. Also, I don't know your codes (your daily words) and I can seem excessive or irrelevant. But I really love you, and, as you see, there are people more inappropriate than me. I am on vacation now, so I have time. Excuse me friends, I never wanted to provoke this- I feel miserable.

Anonymous said...

Whoa. Tinsnip. That was... anger.
Whoa. Fernando. Don't feel miserable. You wrote us like an entire speech. That was awesome! =D

Obama is officially president.

Anonymous said...

Whoa. Tinsnip. That was... anger.
Whoa. Fernando. Don't feel miserable. You wrote us like an entire speech. That was awesome! =D

Obama is officially president.

Fernando said...

Thank you, Sam.
I'm not sad about Tinsnip's “observation”, I was sad because I supposed YOU might be angry with me. I am not the Goshdarn's devil. I can't laugh using MUAHAHAHAHA... I don't want to ruin your blog.
You know, it's impossible not to love you. I would take the next plane just to give you a hug (oh god! don't get confused… just a friendship hug).
This was a fun post, I know. I brought a serious matter and the wrath of my “American detractor” to light. Maybe I have sidetracked, but just for the appreciation of your work.
Also, I felt self-conscious when other guys have referred to my comments rather than what you post. I'm not the main character here; Sam and Tom are the only protagonists. I am nobody. Perhaps the appropriate place to say everything I said is a private mail. I'm sorry guys.
Followers: ignore this comment and say something about the original post. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

We love your comments, Fernando, and we really appreciate that you take the time to respond to almost all of our posts with your honest opinions, and what's always an interesting and (what's a word to describe something that makes us feel fuzzy inside?)... So yeah, thanks for all your loyalty and loving dedication!

Fernando said...

Tom! You're very welcome. It's a great pleasure for me!

P.S. If you don't know the word to describe this kind of feeling, I'm the last one that might help you to realize your embodied knowledge of English terms… but I think I understand what you are trying to tell me : ) Thanks for not being angry with me! I'm very glad to meet you.