Saturday, 7 February 2009

Goshdarn 'Series 1'

Sam and I are now well on our way to having all of our videos ready for March! We've filmed three out of the six, and I have editted one myself, but the other two need some work.

I am personally really excited about what's to come in March, and it's going to be awesome. Super-cool. I really want to say more, but I'm not sure if I can/should. It's very tantalising.

On another note, we've had about three days off school de to snow, which doesn't happen very often, so that was quite cool. That gave us some time to film and edit, and we've got some time off coming up, and we've got all the videos planned out, so we're not that worried about meeting the deadline. I imagine that the first video will be released as soon as March hits, and March 1st is a Friday, so as things seem, Friday could well be the 'Goshdarn' day. Of course, if Friday was the day for YouTube, Thursday would be the website release. I canne' wait.

Sneaky-peeky photos will hopefully be coming soon, so keep an eye open. And be patient - it'll be worth it in the end.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

¡¡¡¡¡¡¡qué tíos más ocurrentes sois vosotros!!!!!!!!

¡vaya que me habéis hecho desplomar de risa con vuestros videos, coño! joder si estos tíos nacieron para hacernos carcajear,,
perdonadme por no saber decir ni jota, es que me niego a escribir al revés

de simón, un cariño desde españa