That's right, we're coming out, apparently.
Whilst looking through some old videos on YouTube - specifically 'In T3h W1ldeey' - I chuckled to myself at the hilarity of Goshdarn. But when the video ended, and the links to related videos appeared, I witnessed something that did NOT make me laugh. Well, it did a little. My exact thoughts were:
'This is going on the blog!'
And this is what it was...

'The Truth Is Out...I Admit I'm Gay'. On behalf of the world: WTF?! That's fine if this 11 year-old, or so he appears, is coming out. Good for him. Stop hiding from the world, man! But what has that got to do with our video? Let's find out...
The tags for this video are the following:
goshdarn, sam, walls, tom, rippon, wilderness, wildy, gangster, lost, runescape, tv, show
And the tags on his video are:
the, truth, is, out, I, admit, I'm gay, Hugh, admits, he's, xxgamingmazterxx
HOW ARE THESE RELATED?! Somebody, please tell me. I'm actually asking you people, comment and tell me! I'm genuinely confused. And not about my sexuality, ha ha, funny!
I just don't understand. What are the point in tags if they link to totally irrelevant videos...?
And what's more, why can't I go onto a new line when I'm writing this?!
The world is messed up...